Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Plan for New Blog - Book Recommendations

I'm so excited about the new blog and look forward to getting fresh book recommendations out, much more quickly. While my syndicated column will remain unique, - I've been a little limited in that "A Page in a Book" features 'themed' book reviews, i.e. the titles in each column are connected somehow (Adoption, Wordless, Onomatopoeia, Back-to-School, etc.)

This "A Page in a Book" blog gives me the ability to highlight ALL the outstanding titles that didn't fit into APB's "themed" reviews...and that's a lot. APB, as published in magazines, is limited to three titles, twelve times a year. Publishers of children's and YA lit are producing significantly MORE, really outstanding and worthwhile titles than just the twenty-four I get to push to the front in print annually. These great books deserve discovery, attention and appreciation - hence, THE APB BLOG! Hurrah!

So here we go! I hope that you'll bookmark this APB Blog and join me on this exploration of the genre of books that finds us as kids and puts us on the path to becoming lifelong readers!

Ex Libris,


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